Fears of Communism
The Communist Party of Germany's Logo |
The Communist Party of Germany was a major political party in Germany between 1918 and 1933 but was banned from 1933, the day after Hitler won the German elections, to 1945. It was rivaled by the Social Democratic Party of Germany. This is Hitler's opinion on Communism:
"The streets of our country are in turmoil. The universities are filled with students rebelling and rioting. Communists are seeking to destroy our country.
Russia is threatening us with her might and the republic is in danger. Yes, danger from within and without. We need law and order ! Without it, our nation cannot survive." -Adolf Hitler. Adolf Hitler hated the Communists. He thought that the goal of economics should be efficiency not equality and that Communists were "rabble rousers" who interfered with patriotic production. Communists were the very first group to qualify for sentencing to death camps, even before Jews and Gypsies. This is because Hitler thought Communism was a Jewish conspiracy to take power. He recognized that Karl Marx, the founder of Communist philosophy, had been 100% ethnically Jewish, although an Atheist and that many Jews in Germany were Communists. Non-Jewish Communists, according to Hitler, were worse, they were "race traitors" (Himmler quotes) who wished to share power and wealth due the Aryans with "mud-people". This showed that Hitler hated Communism.
Reorganization of the Nazi Party
Nazi Party Symbol |
Waffen SS |
Hitler was imprisoned on 1924 in the Landsburg Prison in German state of Bavaria. He was charged and convicted for high treason for attempting to seize power in Germany in the failed Munich Putsch coup. He spent 264 days in prison and was released on December 1924. While in prison, Hitler had written his own book called " Mein Kampf" or " My Struggle" with the help of Rudolf Hess, his deputy, who had been involved in the Putsch and sent to prison. The book helped to shape the Nazi Party's future as it contained Hitler's personal stories, Nazi ideology, political views and his vision for Germany's future. After he was released, he constructed a network of local party organisations such as the Sturmabteilung or SA, the Schutzstaffel or SS, Waffen SS, HitlerJugend or HS. The members of SA were the Storm Troopers and would eventually become a branch of the German Army. The SS and Waffen SS were created to protect, supervise and contact the party, and police tasks. HS or Hitler Youths was introduce the German youths to Nazi ideol
ogy and prepare them for war. From 1928 and 1933, Hitler gained political support through democratic methods. The Nazi party only received 3% of the vote. The Weimar Republic fell on March 1930 because of their inability to solve the problems of the great depression. Hitler's new goal was to gain the title of Chancellor to gain absolute power.In the election of 1930 the Nazi Party increased their influence in the Reichstag, the German Parliament, from 12 to 107 members.
That's a fake quote.